You have recently purchased a new car, or you just discovered Android Auto and you too desire to try it. This is quite usual, why deprive yourself of free of charge and effective program, whether to listen to your music, use the gps, or make calls, the application is full. In this article we will explain how to connect Android Auto to your Fiat 500. To achieve this, first, we will look into what Android Auto is and what it is used for, then we will go forward to installing Android Auto and connecting to your Fiat 500, and finally what solution is available to you if your Fiat 500 is not equipped with Android Auto compatible devices.
Android Auto on Fiat 500, what is it?
You’ve already heard about Android Auto, but you don’t know really what it is all about? We will just demonstrate the objective of this application and what positive aspects there might be in setting it up on your Fiat 500. Android Auto is a Google program, it aims to include all your smart phone into your car. Actually, Google has realised that today’s vehicles lack integrated technology. They have therefore thought about the best option to incorporate their operating system into your car. Their program offers some notable benefits that will improve your car journey. Furthermore, it will allow you to stay connected without taking any risks while driving. activating Android Auto on Fiat 500 gives you access to a number of advantages, voicis:
- Keep the best of your mobile phone on the screen of your Fiat 500
- To be able to call someone on the speakers of your car
- Listen to your favorite music with Google Music or your classic software programs like Spotify or Deezer
- Control your smart phone by voice
- Have your text messages read to you, dictate your answers to Android Auto which will transform them into a text message
How to connect Android Auto on Fiat 500?
In this second part, we will look into the procedure to do to set up Android Auto on Fiat 500. Whether you have a compatible screen or not, there is a solution to get benefit of this program that will make your car journeys more pleasant.
Tutorial: Activating Android Auto on your Fiat 500
Now is the time to install Android Auto on your Fiat 500. Thanks to this tutorial we will describe the several steps of this process, and put you on alert on the points that can pose complications, here we go:
- Verify the compatibility of your phone with Android Auto (minimum version 5.1 Lollipop), make sure to update your smart phone if it is not up to date.
- Download the Android Auto application from your Google Play
- Start the Android Auto application, it will examine, at its first opening, that all the necessary applications are up to date.
- Once all authorizations, and terms of use approved, you will be able to complete the activation of Android Auto on your Fiat 500
- Connect your phone with Bluetooth on your auto, if you don’t know how to do it, see our content on to connect or activate Android Auto on your Fiat 500 to find out how to do it.
- Once your phone is connected via Bluetooth on your car, starting the application should connect Android auto to your Fiat 500.
- If this connection does not work, try to connect it first in USB (ignition on) and then activate Bluetooth afterwards
I don’t have a compatible screen on my Fiat 500 but I still want to benefit from Android Auto:
In the event that, after verifying, your Fiat 500 is not compatible with Android Auto, you still have the alternative to use this program in another way. Actually, you will be able to use your phone’s screen as an Android Auto interface. For that, nothing could be less difficult:
If you want more tutorials on the Fiat 500, go to our Fiat 500 category.