Paying attention to your car is important nowadays, in truth, if you do not do the minimum routine service of it, or if you do not take into account signs of abnormality, you highly risk to find out your car withering away. This is exactly the topic we are going to focus on today, one of the indications that most disturb motorists is the oil replace meter, how to turn off service light on its Audi Q2? To achieve this, firstly, we will find out what this meter points, then in a second step, the procedure to follow to carry out a reset of the service indicator on Audi Q2? .


Benefit and operation of the service light Audi Q2:

Let’s start our guidebook with the explanation of the service light on the dashboard of your Audi Q2 .

What’s the indicator service light on the Audi Q2 means?

Let’s begin our article with the interest of the service light on your Audi Q2. The goal of this meter is to alert you to the need to carry out the routine service of your Audi Q2, i. e. the oil replace. Based on the kind of engine unit of your motor vehicle and the oil used, you will have to achieve this every 15, 000 / 20, 000 / 30, 000 km… This variable will be decided by the manufacturer. You will generally have the ability to perceive this warning light because it is materialized in the form of a flat key on your dashboard which is displayed when you turn on your Audi Q2. This counter is also occasionally called the service light on Audi Q2 .

Why reset the service light to zero on Audi Q2?

When you have your oil replace done by your mechanic, it is supposed to reset this light so that you can be informed when you need to do your next oil change and so that the service light comes on when you arrive at the time to do the maintenance of your Audi Q2 . However, regardless if you do your own oil replace, you will have to reset this counter for the same reasons. Last opportunity, you do your own oil change and you wish to resell your Audi Q2, it is better for the future buyer to be sure that you have done the routine service of the car . Do not think twice to seek advice from our article on which oil to select to carry out its oil change on Audi Q2.

How to turn off the service light on Audi Q2?

Now let’s go to the part you are probably most enthusiastic about this article, how to turn off the service light on Audi Q2? There are some methods based on the year of your car and the options of your motor vehicle, we will only give you the main techniques to reset the service indicator of your motor vehicle .

turn off the service light with the button of the odometer:

First remedy, you can try motor vehicle off by pressing the odometer button on your Audi Q2, then turn on the ignition and let the button be pressed for 10 seconds. You will only need to turn the ignition off and start the vehicle to check if this process is compatible with your Audi Q2.

turn off the service light by the turn signal comodo:

Second opportunity, you will have the ability to turn off the service light of your Audi Q2 thanks to the flashing comodo of this one . It will be enough for you, engine unit off, ignition on, to press the button on top of the comodo until a tank with a drop of oil appears on your dashboard, hold it down until the indicator light disappears.

turn off the service light on Audi Q2 using an OBD diagnostic tool:

A method that will work for all models but requires a diagnostic tool. You can thanks to the diagnostic plug of your Audi Q2, reset the drain indicator by acting on its computer . You will need an OBD tool, which will cost you between 10 and 50 euros, you can discover how to use it in our article Audi Q2how to read a fault code on Audi Q2.

Turn off the service light using the service manual of your Audi Q2:

Finally, it may seem logical, but you will locate the exact procedure for your vehicle model in the vehicle service manual. If non-e of our techniques work, please have a look.

If you want more tutorials on the Audi Q2, go to our Audi Q2 category.