Wanting to take care of the small problems to be made to your vehicle is getting ever more common. In reality, the annual budget assigned to a car is important, so wanting to repair it on your own looks like a smart choice. Regardless it’s to access your fuel pump, change your seat, wash a stain, or extraordinarily transport bulky stuff, some of you are wondering how to remove the back seat on Subaru Legacy. We will try in the following paragraphs to give you the different ways dependant on the year and series of your Subaru Legacy.


How to remove the back seat on Subaru Legacy with bolt system

Let’s start with the first situation. If you are attempting to find a technique to remove the rear seat of your Subaru Legacy which is fixed just by 4 bolts, the process is most certainly the most basic. In reality, to accomplish this, you just have to unscrew the two nuts at the back of your seat, accessible from your trunk, using a Torx bit. Then unscrew the two nuts at the front of the seat, which are located under the seat at the level of the passenger footwell. This will allow you to entirely release it from its fasteners and remove it.

How to remove the back seat Subaru Legacy with clip system

Technique now a little more difficult because we tend to be wary of ties that are fixed in force, always scared to pull too strongly and destroy one. How do I remove the back seat of my Subaru Legacy that has a clip system? Generally these clips will be located under the seat, you will see them when you lift the seat of the bench. These clips are often made up of a plastic part and a metal iron that clips in it, to release them you will have to press on the plastic part with a screwdriver and pull the metal part. On some series if this technique does not work, in general pulling will be enough to release them.

How to remove the rear seat Subaru Legacy with folding system with bolts only at the front

Finally, the last approach to remove the rear seat of your Subaru Legacy, some years have a folding seat that is not fixed on the rear part, in this case, it is the most simple option you can have to do. You will only need to tilt the seat to the front and you will have access to the Torx nuts that hold it to the vehicle’s chassis. Once these nuts are unscrewed, you should be able to remove the rear seat of your Subaru Legacy.
That’s it, now you should have all the details you need to remove the rear seat of your car without problem. If you are trying to dismantle other parts like the bumper of your Subaru Legacy, we have also made some articles to help you in these missions.

If perhaps you have any further questions about the Subaru Legacy, do not hesitate to consult our Subaru Legacy category.