Today we will try to help you resolve a issue that can be frustrating, and if not handled in time become a financial drain. In truth, distinguishing a leak on your vehicle is hardly ever reassuring, and it is even less reassuring when it’s a gearbox leak on your Renualt Express . In this article, we’re going to help you verify that it’s obviously a gearbox leak, then, how to repair a gearbox or transmission leak, then, give you some prevention tips, and, finally, give you an indication of the price of the gearbox of a Renualt Express.


Gearbox leak on Renualt Express, source and manifestation

If you have spotted an oil stain on the ground, you will need to confirm that this leak is obviously based on the gearbox of your Renualt Express. To do this, you will need to go under your vehicle and follow the oil leak. If it is transmission oil, it must be based on your gearbox sump or an adjacent room. Once confirmed, here are the possible roots of this transmission leak:

  • A gearbox cap: If it’s improperly screwed on…
  • Defective torque converter: Just present on automatic gearboxes.
  • From the transmission oil sump: In the event that it is cracked or damaged
  • One of your seals damaged

How to repair a gearbox leak on Renualt Express?

After discovering the different roots of a gearbox or transmission oil leak on your Renualt Express, we will try to explain to you what are your possibilities to repair this oil leak. Take note that no matter the reason, after having founded a leak, you must go to a mechanic to determine the exact source of the leak, in any other case your gearbox might be irreparably damaged. Nevertheless, here is how the service of the mechanic and the solutions that will be offered to you:

  • Very often to determine the leak, the auto technician will have to dismantle your gearbox, which will require a high labour cost.
  • If you’re lucky and it’s just a gasket, your auto technician will replace it and reassemble the gearbox of your Renualt Express, in any other case you’ll have to replace the complete gearbox
  • .

  • At last, for the do-it-yourselfers, it is possible to use a sealing kit which is just powerful in the case of small leaks, this kit is worth around 40 euros


Prevention: How to avoid gearbox leaks on your Renualt Express?

There aren’t many alternatives to avoid gearbox leaks on your Renualt Express , nevertheless here are the three most effective:

  • Regular oil changes on your gearbox deck.
  • Drain your gearbox and put new oil in it. If you want to know everything about this manipulation, please read our content page on this subject.
  • Use a particular additive for routine service of gearbox seals, these additives will restore flexibility and enable to plug slight leaks, you will locate some for a few dozen euros at Oscaro.


Price of a Renualt Express gearbox

At last, we would like to give you an indication of how much it costs to replace the gearbox of a Renualt Express. As you have understood, gearbox problems often lead to a complete replace of this part. It is difficult to give you a precise price because depending on the mechanic the labour can vary quite a lot and depending on your engine the part will also have a different price, nevertheless, we estimate that the repair, labour included will cost you between 800 and 2000 euros , knowing that the part alone costs between 400 and 1000 euros.

In the event that you have any further questions about the Renualt Express, do not hesitate to consult our Renualt Express category.