Modern cars are more and more pre-loaded with technology and nevertheless this brings us comfort, we unfortunately also go through the cons. The majority of us are uncomfortable with anything electrical on our Nissan Sentra, let alone going near the fuses on it. In this post, we are going to try to help you to solve your fuse problems and especially to find the power window fuse on your Nissan Sentra. To accomplish this, first, we are going to discover in which situations it can be relevant to change the window fuse of your Nissan Sentra, then where the window fuse of your Nissan Sentra is.


Why change the power window fuse on your Nissan Sentra?

So let’s begin our article content on the location of the window lifter fuse of your Nissan Sentra by the benefit of changing it. You might have the feeling that your fuse is blown but you are not sure. In fact, if you have problems with your motor vehicle window, whether it is stuck, or the power window of your Nissan Sentra no longer lifts , it is firmly possible that the fuse is the cause. It is important to know that a fuse operates as a safety device to avoid any overvoltage on your Nissan Sentra . It will be a resistor, of a filament, more or less thick, which will let pass a specified tension and which will break if the tension is too strong. Hence the fact that they are transparent, you can check them and verify that the filament is still intact with a simple visual check. In general, you will want to change the fuse of the window lifter of an Nissan Sentra when the power window no longer works . If your battery is operating properly, it might be the fuse that is the cause of your problem.

Where is the window winder fuse on Nissan Sentra?

We will now search for the fuse in the power window of your Nissan Sentra . It will frequently blow if your window gets stuck. The fuse is in general a 30 amp fuse. We will help you find the power window fuse on your Nissan Sentra .

Placement of the power window fuse of your Nissan Sentra

We will first focus on the power window fuse on your Nissan Sentra. For this you will have to go to the fuse box of your motor vehicle . If you can’t find it, take note that it is close to your steering wheel, you will find its exact location thanks to the manual of your Nissan Sentra.

  • Read the manual on the cover of the fuse box to find the window fuse on your Nissan Sentra , it should be noted as “power window”/”window lift control”.
  • Take out the fuse in question attentively with pliers and check the state of the filament.
  • If it is defective, replace it with a new fuse, in any other case you will have to check the state of your Nissan Sentra window lift motor, or the power cables.
  • After you change your motor vehicle window fuse, put it back together and test your windows.

What to do if the power window fuse on my Nissan Sentra blows after changing?

Finally, we will now discover how to proceed if the window lift fuse of your Nissan Sentra is blown after replacement . Here are a few points to check yourself if you are capable to do it, in any other case take your car to your garage.

  • Take out your door trim
  • .

  • Verify to discover if your fuse blows once it is changed or when you operate your power window.
  • If it blows without you handling it, look for a short in the beam that handles this fuse
  • If the fuse only blows when you operate the window lifter, look for the short circuit in the power window motor unit and in the door trim

You now know how to find the window lift fuse of your motor vehicle , if you are trying to find other fuses like the starter fuse on Nissan Sentra, or the air conditioning fuse, don’t hesitate to consult our content articles dedicated to these fuses.

Whenever you have any additional questions about the Nissan Sentra, do not hesitate to consult our Nissan Sentra category.