Keeping an eye on your automobile is fundamental in these modern times, in actual fact, if you do not do the lowest maintenance of it, or if you do not take note of signs of unusualness, you strongly risk to discover your car becoming unpleasant to use. This is exactly the matter we are going to focus on in this article, one of the indications that most disturbs drivers is the seat belt indicator light on Ford Edge . In an effort to help you examine this warning light, first we will discover what this belt warning light on Ford Edge corresponds to, then in a second what to do if the seat belt warning light stays on and beeps on Ford Edge? .


Seat belt indicator light on Ford Edge

So we start with the article content about the security belt light on Ford Edge . This or these lights, depending on the series of your motor vehicle, you may just have one or one per seat, will have the goal of warning the driver and reminding people to fasten their seat belts . It will switch on when the ignition of your Ford Edge is turned on. It can be coupled with presence sensor , which thanks to a weight sensor will have the ability to detect the presence or not of a passenger on the seats. Please take note that you are obliged by the Highway Code, as well as your passengers, to wear seatbelts in any moving vehicle, it is for your security, so this warning light is a good method to avoid putting yourself in danger. This seat belt warning light can be coordinated with a beeper , to be certain you are aware of the omission.

Why does the seat belt light turn on at Ford Edge?

We will now proceed to the abnormal reasons for the belt light to switch on Ford Edge . In normal operation , it should just be lighted if a passenger sitting in a seat has not fastened his belt, here is a list of the different concerns you may have with your belt indicator:

  • The seat belt indicator lights up unexpectedly with or without the buzzer alarm while the seat belts are properly fastened while you are driving in your Ford Edge, in such a case it is possible that the buckle sensor is defective
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  • The Ford Edge belt warning light is lighted on an empty seat: In this instance, it is most likely that the presence sensor is defective.
  • The seat belt indicator light stays on and there’s no audible alarm: It could be the light or the fuse that’s the problem if all the belts in the occupied seats are properly locked.

What if the seat belt light wont come off on Ford Edge?

Now that we have the complications that you may have with your seat belt light that stays on your Ford Edge , we will try to give you the solutions that you can solve it and turn off the belt light on the dashboard of your Ford Edge .

  • Presence sensor problem: : In case you have been capable to determine that your light issue is brought on by a presence sensor, you will need to verify that there is no weight on your seats, as occasionally a simple shopping bag can bring about the sensor and illuminate the belt light on your Ford Edge. If you don’t have anything on your seats and your sensors are defective, you will have to go to a auto technician to have it replaced by a new one, the sensors generally cost between 50 and 100 euros. between 50 and 100 euros.
  • Belt Buckle Sensor Issue: If the belt buckle sensor is not working correctly, you should have the indicator light illuminated inopportunely. Try to move it to discover if something is blocking it, in any other case you will have to change it, you can find some in motor vehicle breakage, in any other case you will have to count 100aine of euros .
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  • Finally, if the light is leading to your complications, you’ll need to check out your Ford Edge’s interior fuse box.

If you want more tutorials on the Ford Edge, go to our Ford Edge category.