In the event that you are aware of irregular signs on your vehicle, you are right to be intrigued, because a car represents a massive annual budget and surprising breakdowns don’t reduce the bill. So what if you think that you have a leaking injector on your Tesla Model Y? You likely figured it out thanks to black/oily drips along your engine motor, or a disturbed idle, or abnormal black smoke. These three manifestations are the main signals of a leaking injector. As this failure can produce more critical engine complications on your car, we chose to prepare this article to help you ensure the failure of a leaking injector and deal with it properly. To do so, we will first of all check out the case of gasoline injectors and then at those of diesel injectors Tesla Model Y.


Leaking injector on my petrol Tesla Model Y

It is important to know that the injectors on petrol and diesel engines are different, actually, the difference in combustion between these two types of engines makes the injection different. The essential difference lies in the pressure undergone by the injectors, on a petrol engine it will vary between 3.5 bars for indirect injection and 120 bars for indirect injection.

Leaking injector on a petrol Tesla Model Y: The different leaks

It should be said that injector leaks on a Tesla Model Y equipped with a petrol engine are rather infrequent. This is due to the much lower pressure in the petrol intake systems. However, there are two types of leaks:

  • Leakage from the top of the injector:
    It is conceivable that you have a leak from the top of the injector, this is the portion that is attached to the fuel rail, an O-ring will be involved in this.
  • Leak injector of the lower part:
    Finally, you may encounter a leak coming from the lower portion of the injector of your car, this one will come from the junction with the engine and not with the rail as seen sooner.

Leaking injector on my diesel Tesla Model Y

Unlike petrol engines, which have spark combustion, diesel engines run on compression. This combustion procedure creates very high pressure in the engine, as do the injectors. On these models, the pressure is more than 10 times higher than on the direct injection of car petrol engines, reaching 1800 to 2000 bars.

Leaking injector on diesel Tesla Model Y: The different leaks

In the case of leaking diesel injectors on your Tesla Model Y, there are three several types of leaks:

  • Leakage from the injector inlet:
    In cases like this, it is an inlet pipe that will deform with time, in most cases the leak will be at the clamping point.
  • Injector return leakage:
    As its name reveals, this leakage concerns the management of the fuel return in the injector, this time the injector that leaks on your Tesla Model Y will be the result of an O-ring or its plastic tip that leaks.
  • Injector base leak:
    This injection leak is one of the most bothersome, it is the junction between the engine and the injector nose that leaks at a copper seal, you should find an air noise and a compression loss.
  • If after checking you have oil leaking but it does not come from your injectors, we advise you to read this article on the presence of oil leaking on your Tesla Model Y.

Leaking injector on my Tesla Model Y, how to fix the leak

And at last, we’re going to check out how to fix a leaking injector on your car. Regularly a leak is associated, as we have seen previously, to a worn seal as a result of the pressures suffered. But think that the pressure in the circuit is enormous, specifically on diesel engines. So you will have to take some precautions:

  • Lower the pressure before any work is carried out…
  • Covering you to avoid the risk of fuel spillage
  • NEVER work on a running diesel engine injector.

Regarding the repair part of your leak, it will regularly be limited to swapping the seals that have failed:

  • Identify the source of the leak
  • Take apart the injector in question
  • Replace the corresponding seal kit
  • Reassemble the set up and tighten with a torque wrench in accordance with the manufacturer’s standards.

In all cases, these interventions are not necessarily difficult, but if you have the tiniest doubt in the treatment of your injector that leaks on your Tesla Model Y, we advise you to get closer to your motor mechanic to avoid any bad manipulation that could critically harm the condition of your Tesla Model Y.

To get more tips on the Tesla Model Y, take a look at the Tesla Model Y category.